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Mint Yellow Sandstone

Product Details

Slab 120-190 CM X 90-60 CM
Tiles 30 x 30, 60 x 30, 60 x 60 and 60 x 90 cm
Palisade 30-250 x 15-25 x 10-12 CM
Wall Cladding 100 x 25-45 x 5 cm
Step Blocks 75-200 x 35 x 15 cm
Thickness 2-6 CM
Finish Honed, Brushed, Bush Hammered, Natural, Sandblasted, Tumbled, Sawn, Vibrated
Edge Machine Cut, Hand Cut

Product Description

Fossil Mint sandstone is a natural sandstone that is very popular when it comes to sandstone paving because of its soft colors. Its colors are the mix and match of the buff, golden, brown, mints, and mild pink colors. It is known as the Fossil Mint sandstone due to its unique fern-like fossil shapes that provide a distinctive touch to its appearances. Owing to its natural tones, shades, and texture, the Fossil Mint can comfortably blend with outer surroundings. Unlike manufactured stones, the colors of the natural Fossil mint stones can vary moderately. Fossil Mint Stones are best suited for the construction of building as well as houses.

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